Friday, April 22, 2011

Peas' Progress from Seed Pea to Pea Pod

Happy Earth Day!

The peas are growing! All eight of the peas I planted in the pot with the amended commercial potting soil are up and looking eager and robust. As of the 21st, they were all at least an inch tall. Granted, I would have much taller plants by now if I had simply purchased starts, but then I would have missed out on the fun and gratification of seeing the tiny green shoots first emerge from the soil. It definitely brings out something of the fond and doting parent in me.

Only four of the eight seeds I planted in the peat-free soil mix are up. They are about the same size as their brethren in the other pot. Could just be random. I think it’s too soon to draw conclusions.

(If you’ve just joined us, we’ve been following the progress of peas planted in two different potting mixes on March 25th. One pot contains a commercial potting mix amended with compost and perlite. The other pot has a peat-free mix of compost, coconut fiber (coir), perlite and pumice. See post of 4-8-11 below for complete details.)

8 peas up!

Because there was so much empty space in the large recycled nursery pots, and I had some salad starts I’d bought that needed a home, the peas now have company. They’ve been joined by Red Bib Lettuce and “Spicy Salad Mix” (mesclun). So far, the starts are doing equally well in both mixes.

If the missing four peas ever show themselves above the soil line, you’ll be the first to read about it. I’ll also keep you posted on the rate of growth and general robustness of all plants in the two different potting mixes.

Meanwhile, I took advantage yesterday of this relatively dry spell we’ve had to haul out the weed whacker and the heavy, ornery coil of orange extension cord to whack what passes for lawn into submission. In the backyard, that is mostly moss. And this year the moss is doing very, very well! I’m hoping that if I continue my general policy of lawn-neglect, the moss will eventually choke out the grass completely. With a little luck, this will happen before I have to invest in a new weed whacker!

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